2 Reasons Why your 2023 Vision won’t Work

For most leaders, vision is a soft topic in comparison to all the other parts of the organization. And this is dangerous because vision is arguably the most important piece to your organization.

The truth is that leaders are not under the impression that vision doesn’t matter, but instead have given up on the importance of it because in recent years leaders are not seeing the return on investment. Many leaders are tired of hearing about how necessary vision is, yet regardless of their vision, their workforce engagement continues to decrease, and turnover continues to rise. As leaders watch their workplace cultures fall apart, vision talk is the last thing they want to hear about.

But may I offer some clarity? The problem isn’t that vision lacks the effect to improve the organization or that vision is overhyped in the context of increasing your workforce, engagement, morale, and retention. The problem is that many leaders think they’ve provided vision to the workforce and organization.

The truth is that vision is deeper than a presentation or a statement. And honestly, as we are preparing for 2023 many leaders are preparing their vision presentations and statements and falling right back into the trap. So, let's take a closer look. Here are two reasons why your 2023 vision is already in jeopardy.  

No plan for Repetition

One of the easiest ways to identify why an organization doesn’t reflect its vision in its behaviors is because the organization rarely discusses the vision after January. Most organizations prepare or revisit their vision once a year, usually at the start of the year. What leaders must recognize is that vision is an ongoing process. The old phrase says, “repetition deepens the impression.” And this is true when it comes to vision.

I’m sure as you read this blog, very few of you have scheduled multiple times in 2023 when your organization or team will revisit and reconnect with the vision. And this right here is vital. If you want to see your vision, come to life in 2023, the vision must be repeated and revisited often. Make it a priority to discuss the vision at the beginning of every meeting and if that is too much for you, at least revisit it once a month with your organization or team. People will connect to the vision when the vision is taken seriously and always in your face.


No plan for Training


One of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned concerning making your vision come to life within the organization or team is the importance of training. Vision may come easy for you as the leader, but for those whom you’re attempting to inspire to carry the vision; they may need a different way of seeing what the vision looks like. For example, if your 2023 vision is to become the number one-rated customer service company in the world, it may be helpful to train your workforce on what exactly customer service looks like for the vision to be accomplished. Training allows the people around you to understand what the vision actually looks like in a tangible way.

In conclusion, if you believe having a one-day retreat, a companywide video, or a presentation on the vision is all you need to do in 2023, your vision has already failed. If you want to see your vision, come to life and spread like wildfire to those around you, try keeping the vision before everyone weekly or monthly throughout the year and put in place training that provides examples and visuals, showing what the vision looks like.

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