2 Ideas on how Leaders can show Gratitude to their Teams

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thanksgiving is less than 24 hours away and everyone is in a thankful mood. As my family and I rush around town grabbing the last bit of items we need for our first Thanksgiving in Chicago, I have been thinking of ways I can show more gratitude to my team members. As a result, I decided to write this blog to help you out as well. Here are two ideas on how you and I can show gratitude to the teams and employees we have the privilege to lead.


Find out your team member’s “Love Language.”


The first time I heard of this idea of love languages was when a friend asked me if I knew my spouse's love language. My response was, “and what is that?” (This was almost 10 years ago.) Nevertheless, I was able to learn that the way we show love to our spouse or significant other may often be in the context of how we want to be loved, rather than loving our spouse or significant other in the way they desire to be loved.

This concept I’ve learned is also applicable to the workplace. On the one hand, many leaders fail to express their gratitude towards the people that work with them, but on the other hand, (with the few that do recognize and express gratitude), we often do it in a way we would like to be acknowledged.

My challenge to each leader is firstly, to be more intentional in expressing your “thank you’s” to your teams. But more importantly, take the time to learn how your team members receive gratitude or love. Research has shown when employees and teams feel valued, engagement and loyalty rise substantially.  


Write a “Thank You” letter to team members


Another effective way to show your gratitude is by writing letters to your team members. The idea you want to have when writing your letter is to be specific and genuine. People can tell when leaders are not authentic. Do not exercise this activity for manufactured results. The purpose of this is to show your genuine appreciation to your team members. But back to specific. Your letter should clearly outline exactly why you are grateful for the team member. Before you write your letter, reflect on the specific reasons why you are thankful for a team member and identify it clearly to them. As a result, you will affirm their efforts but also promote a continuation of the behavior you are celebrating which improves culture.


Recap: 2 Ideas on how Leaders can show Gratitude to their teams

1.      Find out your team member’s “Love Language.”

2.     Write a “Thank You” letter to team members.

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