How to Create a Culture of Value

Let’s start off this blog entry with blunt honesty. LEADERS ARE LAZY. So many of us desire great results but are not willing to put in the work to achieve those results. Or we find microwave ways to achieve results and wonder why those results don’t last.

Okay, let me be more direct. One of the great questions of leaders is how can I attract, engage and retain highly talented people. For many leaders, the answers have been throwing more money in people's faces, creating more chill-like vibe spaces, and having awesome party-like retreats.

Those are nice but not foundational. If you want to create a culture of engaged employees and teams, treat people right or value your people. Most people are familiar with the popular Bible teaching that says, “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.” And leaders its quite that simple.

Research has proven that the number one thing people are seeking in a job is “PURPOSE.” According to a study in 2018 by BetterUp, workers stated that they would take meaningful work over higher pay. People desire to wake up and make an impact. As leaders we have the task of helping people find that meaning and value in the work we lead them to do.

So, how do we build a culture of value?


Evaluate your Vision & Mission


For many organizations, the vision and mission are like art in an art gallery. They are for show. But your vision and mission should mean much more than for show. Vision and mission should squeeze purpose out of everyone connected to the organization. When people find meaning in what they do, they will engage more often and find personal ownership within the organization. But it is the leader's job to model and advocate a clear vision and mission within the organization. Warren Bennis has a famous quote that states, “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

Spend Time with your People


Once again, creating a culture of value is something that can’t be manufactured through bonuses and rewards. It takes hard work. And leader, that hard work is around your time. As leaders, we develop engaged employees/volunteers by spending time with them.  

One way to do this is by scheduling weekly check-ins with your people. For example, have 30-minute slots available for your people to have one on one’s with you on a weekly basis. And for you, the goal should be to get to know those who work around you more deeply. The benefit for you is that you will better understand your people and will be able to be even more intentional in creating personal value for each individual because of the knowledge and care you will develop by spending more time with them.


Celebrate the Wins


One of the greatest ways to create a culture of value is by celebrating people who have modeled the vision and mission of the organization. As leaders, we do a great job of telling people when they have done things wrong but fail to celebrate when people get it right. Be intentional to seek wins, no matter how small they are. Be specific by calling people out when they win, and you’ll be surprised how valued the people will feel. In return, you will see employees/volunteers practice repeating those actions to gain more wins as well as become visual advocates for others around the organization. Soon enough will start seeing greater performance and engagement from your organization.


Recap: How to Create a Culture of Value

1.     Evaluate your Vision & Mission

2.     Spend Time with your People

3.     Celebrate the Wins

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